Children Who Are Addicted to Apayamukha (the Roads to Ruin)
Their love for their children makes parents work hard to earn money, so that they can provide comforts like an education, toys, and clothes for their children
Teaching Children Frugality to Ensure the Family’s Future
Children’s future financial security can be measured by their frugality and parents can cultivate good economic sense in their children by being frugal themselves
Looking After Our Extended Family.
All trees living together in the woods can live for a long time because each of them helps bump against a storm together.
ข่าวสว่างจาก World Peace Valley
เรื่องปลื้มๆของคณะคุณครู 4 จังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้
Underlying Objective of Dividing Society into Six Sectors
No-one in the world is perfect. Therefore we must know how to interact with the different social groups around us in order to pick up the positive core values we lack from them
Core Value#2: Welfare work is necessary
In our society there are many underpriviledged groups who because of various circumstances, whether it be handicap, illness or age, cannot help themselves out of their predicament.
Safeguarding Our Mind through Meditation
In our daily lives, an array of problems of varying degrees correlating to our family circumstance, profession, education, and responsibilities can arise.
Social Disaster : 1. The Parent-Child Relationship
The catastrophe brought to society by parental neglect can be enlarged ad follows: Loss of Respect for One’s own Human Dignity
ค่าย Smile Sabai Camp ส่งเสริมศีลธรรม ทำความดีเพื่อแม่
มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏวไลอลงกรณ์ ร่วมกับศูนย์ประสานงานทางก้าวหน้า ชมรมพุทธศาสตร์สากลในอุปถัมภ์สมเด็จพระมหารัชมังคลาจารย์ จัดโครงการส่งเสริมศีลธรรม Smile Sabai Camp สมาธิกับธรรมชาติ ณ V-Peace Valley
Social Disaster : 6. The Boss-Employee Relationship
If an employer and an employee are undisciplined and do not cherish harmony in the workplace according to the teachings of the Six Directions